
A magic place with 26 native turtle species, over one million alligators, little anoles everywhere and Cuban tree frogs in the toilets. A lifelong northerner, I am trying to recreate myself as an eccentric old southern woman.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

parrothead looks at 60

Here's Nikki Two, my second quaker parrot. Just a baby, doing well with step up and snuggling.

Today we watched Jimmy Buffett's benefit concert for the Gulf Coast. "Changes in Latitude" still my theme song after all these years. I had a gin and tonic, and Nikki Two had a slice of key lime with an umbrella in it.

If I had wanted to worry about oil spills I would have stayed in Alaska.

I have been obsessively visiting the beach after work, looking for oil. Never saw any. We're good.

Ava, age three, has been very worried. 'There's a hole in the ocean and the oil is coming out". I hope she feels better now.

Meanwhile, I have a new baby bird. He/or/she is learning to "step up", to stay on the play gym rather than fluttering down on the dogs and risking death by startling them, to cuddle and give kisses without biting.

We will soon move on to talking, potty training, playing hide'n'seek, and singing important Jimmy lines like "cheeseburger in paradise".