
A magic place with 26 native turtle species, over one million alligators, little anoles everywhere and Cuban tree frogs in the toilets. A lifelong northerner, I am trying to recreate myself as an eccentric old southern woman.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I like living in Florida

I've spent all my life in cold climates. Now every afternoon I sit in a wicker rocker on my patio and study the weather page of the St Petersburg Times. Check the weekly forecast first. Mostly sunny most days. And the tide table. High at 7:02 pm today.

Then I go through the US forecast for hight and low temps at cities I have lived in.
Concord NH 26/6
Anchorage 22/-1
Fairbanks 4/-38
New York 38/32

They don't list Rochester so I look at Buffalo (28/24) and Syracuse (24/21). Seasonal.

A quick look at the national weather map - which does not include Alaska - then over to the seawall to watch the pelicans.