
A magic place with 26 native turtle species, over one million alligators, little anoles everywhere and Cuban tree frogs in the toilets. A lifelong northerner, I am trying to recreate myself as an eccentric old southern woman.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I seem to be living in the Spenard of St Petersburg

This is a great neighborhood. These fine establishments are around the corner, near Tropicana Stadium. The drive-in liquor stores are a little scary. You pay through the window. The guy in there sits in a bulletproof cube with two handguns by the register. What would happen if he fired a gun inside a bulletproof enclosure? This is something Tarantino would think of. Also, they will hand customers a free baggie full of ice cubes.

Yes, the neighborhood is full of historic bungalows and beautiful gardens. But, like dear old Spenard in Anchorage, it still has a little historic sleaze.

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