
A magic place with 26 native turtle species, over one million alligators, little anoles everywhere and Cuban tree frogs in the toilets. A lifelong northerner, I am trying to recreate myself as an eccentric old southern woman.

Monday, June 28, 2010

too hot

Here's Sookie enjoying the sun and 95 degree heat - for about 10 seconds.

Too hot. Too hot to go to the beach. The sand is boiling, the water is boiling. I don't understand how anything here supports life.

Too hot to sit in that pretty back yard. I huddle in here with the air conditioning set at 70 and watch the little lizards racing along the fence.

Too hot to walk the dogs. Aside from quick pee-walks, they have to wait until 10 pm.

Too hot to go anywhere. The sunblock (SBS 70) doesn't work.

I sleep well, though. There is a ceiling fan over the bed. The perfect blend of air and white noise.

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